April 08, 2013

My Plastic Jesus (Guest Post)

The first person to suggest that I should start blogging, is today sharing her testimony on Wandering Thoughts.  Tanya Peatt has been one of my editors and encouragers since starting to blog.  When she first shared her testimony with me, I was blown away with how her belief in Christianity started.  I'm sure you will be too.


My Plastic Jesus by Tanya Peatt

The spring before I turned 18, I went to visit my grandparent's ranch in the East Kootenays of BC for spring break. This is a place where the mountains tower over you wherever you are. They are moody as weather systems move in and out but when they are happy the whole valley is alight with beauty. I had been born here but moved away when I was young.

East Kootenays - Fisher Peak
As a teenager, I was so many things all at once: a fashion designer, an outdoor adventurer, a traveler  and a poet. I loved to go walking in the solitude of the wilderness. So one day I packed up my writing stuff in the canvas bag I had sewn, swung it across my shoulders, and I went for a walk.

I walked away from the house, went down an old dirt highway into the bush, parallel to the mountains. I remember thinking how odd it would be to meet someone there. The spring had begun to melt the snow, but it had been re-frozen so my feet crunched loudly in the quiet as I walked. When I came to the end of the road there was a rock pile. As I climbed up and sat there, I found a statue.

I recognized the heavily-robed iconic figure as a statue of Jesus. He was pointing with one hand to his blazing heart and with the other hand to the sky. But it wasn't like the polished ones I had seen at the Christmas masses my mother forced the family to attend once a year - this one had been tossed out like trash. It was plastic, the paint was flaking off and as I picked it up water fell out the bottom.

I brought out my paper and pen and began writing. I filled up a whole page just describing this strange artifact I had found. I used the space at the bottom of the page to write, inexplicably, "will you walk with me?" and stood up to leave.

I took a few steps, and very quietly, but all of a sudden, it felt as though someone had hugged me. It felt like someone, hugged me, and loved me, for no reason at all. I knew that it had something to do with that Jesus figure.

So I went home and sought Him out.

Tanya Peatt

Photo Credit: James Kingsley


Would you like to share your testimony?  I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below or send me a personal message on Google+Facebook or by email.

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Have a wonderful day.


  1. This is rather coincidental, I am about to write a blog post describing how I came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Richard Hobart

  2. luv it, thanks for sharing, may God continue to bless u Tanya :)
