April 18, 2013

While I'm Waiting

When I was a young punk, also known as my late teens, I worked with a Christian guy that was nice enough and reminded me a lot of "My Friend Joshua". I don't remember his name but I vividly remember the day he suggested I might like this "Christian" music he was listening to.

Listening to music was a huge part of my life.  I had all the latest hits playing in my car.  This act in itself was no small feat as some of you may remember. This was before the age of iPods, mp3's and even CD's.  We are talking about the age of cassettes.

I put an immense amount of time, energy and money behind my passion for music.

So when this guy suggested I might like this music he was playing in his very cool car (an old Firebird), I scoffed at the idea!  What type of fool was he?!

What type of fool was I?!

I am now an old punk.  I guess the proper term would be 'middle-aged' punk.

Many things have changed since I was a young punk but I still have a massive passion for music.  While I'm writing this, I am listening to a radio station through my computer.  I carry my complete, extensive and wholly owned music collection with me on an electronic device smaller than my archaic wallet.  This same device which also serves as a phone, camera, social media connection and my portable writing pad for blogging.

I am feeling older by the moment!

Thankfully, one of the things that has changed is my perspective (Changing Perspectives) on Christian music. Take away the words and the music often leaves me humming along hours later.  Add the words of truth and statements of faith by the artists, and I realize just how grand a fool I was when I was younger.

Now I listen almost exclusively to Christian music.

Depending on where I am in my faith journey, certain songs have spoken to me in the situation.

Right now, I am preparing for the return to the scene of the crime where I was changed "From The Inside Out" (another wonderful song) during a retreat last year.

I've been asked to lead worship during the weekend and the theme song is "While I'm Waiting" made famous by the movie "Fireproof".  As I've been preparing and meditating on the words, it has spoken into my life and the situations I'm currently in.

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

This section of the song speaks to the current struggles we are having with our oldest son (Stepping Into The Storm). We are hopeful and trusting God with a successful result, but it has been painful watching him go through his struggles on his own.

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
The second portion of this song speaks to my journey over the past year. I have confidence that is not from my own strength but by His strength.  I am taking steps of obedience (like this blog) that I would never have done on my own, sharing my testimony and singing.  

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord

This last section speaks to me about where I am currently in my faith journey.  I know there is something more that I am being called to do.  I am not exactly sure what it is, it may simply be to faithfully continue what I am doing.  I don't know.

But while I wait, I will give praise and worship.

While I wait, I will serve through blogging, fellowship and using the gifts I've been given.

While I wait, I will continue to pursue Him.

How do you react when you need to wait?

Thank you for taking the time to read one of the many Wandering Thoughts that God has been putting on my heart. If this has touched you in anyway, I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below and share your own personal revelations; or send me a personal message on Google+Facebook or by emailing me.

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  1. Hey Peter, great blog. I've enjoyed reading it over the last few months. Anyways I just want to give you some encouragement for your sons struggle. A year and a half ago I was that prodigal son but God brought me back home through much praying and interceding of parents and friends and Jesus hearing my cry in my distress. I surrendered my life to Jesus and I am pursuing full time ministry as a college pastor. Never give up the faith that God will get ahold of your son. He got ahold of me and He not only changed me completely from the inside out but my family, friends, and everyone else around me. "Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway." (Proverbs 8:34) Keep waiting and praying for your son, God will deliver Him in His timing.
    Have a blessed day,

  2. The waiting place. I think I've blogged on that, or maybe I'm supposed to, but there's a lot to be learned in the waiting place.

    Thanks for the reminder. I'm in a waiting place. I was feeling comfortable there, but now...well, I'm just waiting.
