April 15, 2013

Changing Perspectives

Today I start a new job.

It's not a huge change from what I did before.  I still work with numbers (Reaching 1000).  I again work for a software company helping my customers making sense of the extensive data that they have collected.

The circumstances are the same.

For the past 22 years, regardless of the company I've been working for, I have always done my job using the same software solution. It has been the one constant throughout my career.  I spent over 10 years working for the company that made the software solution, and having the company name on my resume set me apart from the rest of the candidates.  The 'name' has provided for my family, purchased a home and cars and brought stability during tough times.

And now, I am starting a new chapter in my career where that 'name' will no longer be part of my resume.  That which has been part of my identity for over 20 years, what I've promoted and believed to be the best solution for my customers, will no longer be part of my perspective.

The circumstances are the same but now, my perspective has changed.

I was first introduced to this expression a year ago by Doug (The Fly Fart).

I had just finished dealing with some heavy stuff in my life. Talking about it didn't change my circumstances.  I was still going to go home and be in the exact same situation.

But now my perspective was different.  

I've thought about that talk many times over the past year.  For the longest time, it was hard to put into words what the change was or how it changed me.  But it has been the catalyst behind all of my actions over the past year.

I am often asked how I can be so transparent in my writing.  The easiest answer to give but most difficult to explain is "my perspective has changed".

I can't change what I've done in the past. I can only change what I do in the future. Or more specifically, what I do in the next few minutes.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

I am a new creation.  My perspective has changed!

It does not mean that I won't make mistakes.  For examples of this, look at my interaction with the football fan in "Uncomfortably Comfortable" or my constant struggle with judging people in "The Biker Lunch". But my new perspective allows me to acknowledge my mistakes, learn from them and move forward.

Today, I am excited to be starting my new job armed with my new perspective.

Are you needing a new perspective?


Thank you for taking the time to read one of the many Wandering Thoughts that God has been putting on my heart. If this has touched you in anyway, I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below and share your own personal revelations; or send me a personal message on Google+Facebook or by emailing me.

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  1. Always great to have a good perspective in any situation. May God be with you on this new chapter in your life.

  2. Change can be exciting! Especially change in perspective. Good luck on your new direction.
