January 28, 2013

The Reluctant Attendee

Have you ever not wanted to do something while knowing it would benefit you?

This story is just that. It describes a series of events that led me to attend a retreat weekend that resulted in changing me "From The Inside Out". It is also an example of what I call a "Confirming Circumstance". A set of events that individually might seem like coincidences, but together are so much more. I leave it for you to decide what these events mean.

In the spring of 2012, I was really struggling with my faith. I was doing the happy Christian on Sundays but my walk with God was non-existent.

During that spring, I had a number of opportunities and invites to attend different retreats. I was avoiding these because I really didn't want to deal with God.

But God had other ideas.

May 2012

I was winding down a contract with a customer. I am a software solution consultant and often have multiple customers at a time. In my entire career, I have never had even one day of break between customers. There was no other work lined up with nothing pressing in terms of deadlines.

Monday, May 21st.

I receive an email from my friend Robb. He would like to get together and talk about a retreat he would like me to go on. I agree but I am already thinking of my excuses not to go.

Tuesday, May 22nd.

I meet with Robb. He tells me about the retreat. Well, he doesn't tell me anything about the retreat except to say that it starts in 2 days (Thursday), I will be away and off the grid until Sunday, and finally, I will experience God's unconditional love. No other details.

From just about anybody else, I would have blown them off right away. Robb is a close friend who has seen my struggles although like a typical guy, I had not let him in on most of it. I told him I would think about it. And by thinking I mean, how am I going to get out of it?

My fail safe excuses weren't going to work. I had no work commitments holding me back. I had no requirements to stay connected to a phone or internet. I had no easy excuses.

That evening, my wife and I met with our weekly small group. Most of the time, it is a very safe environment where we don't get into our personal feelings. This night was different. Our leader Matt, suggested that we break up into groups, men and women. This was trouble. We were going to be talking about personal stuff.

Now, I am an honest guy. If you ask me a pointed question, I will answer you as honestly as I can. When the conversation came around to me, I answered. I told them about the invite earlier in the day.

I told them I didn't want to go. I told them I was struggling with God. I told them I had never experienced 'unconditional love'. I told them I didn't know anybody who was going.

I was hoping for a "That's crazy! Don't go".

Instead, the quietest guy of the group looked at me and said "Why wouldn't you go?".

I had no answer.

Wednesday, May 23rd.

I meet Robb early every Wednesday for breakfast at 6:30 am with a bunch of other guys.

After the breakfast, Robb asked me if I had made a decision. I told him no.

Well, I lied, I admit it! I was still hoping for a way out of this.

He told me that he found out about one person who was going that I knew. Kelvin and I used to go to the same church. We weren't close friends but enough that we would still say hi and talk. Since I had changed churches, I only saw him a couple of times a year at random outings.

I left the breakfast promising Robb a call by the afternoon with my answer.

I went directly to our chiropractor after the breakfast. As I pulled into the parking lot, the car directly in my line of vision had two people getting out of it. Kelvin and his wife!

I started laughing out loud in my car and said "Okay God, I will go but I'm still not happy about it".

I spoke to Kelvin and found out that this was his third year of being invited. He had managed to get out of the previous two. He left saying, "I will see you there.". Not realizing that he had just committed himself too.

Thursday, May 24th.

I went to the retreat. I am so thankful that God would get involved in the small details of my life to ensure that I would experience His unconditional love.

He wants to share this with all of us.

Have you got a 'Confirming Circumstance' you would like to share?  Feel free to contact me or share it in the comments below.


Thank you for taking the time to read one of the many 'Wandering Thoughts' that God has been putting on my heart.  If this has touched you in anyway, I would love to hear from you.  You can leave a comment below and share your own personal revelations; or send me a personal message on Google+ or Facebook.

May you be blessed today.  


  1. Interesting how God works. We don't often split into guys and girls for prayer and its not like I felt God say "Peter needs this"...it just felt like the right thing do to. I am glad I was obedient and that it played a role in your journey.

    1. I still don't know how you chose that night! I couldn't remember the last time we had broken into small groups. Thank you for your obedience! :-)

  2. Once again I see you testimony at the right time.I am a very private person so I do not normally share my personal stories.
    I am currently on vacation, my Job take me away from my wife for months at a time. This has been the source of mistakes and problems in my life.I have completely rededicate my life to God.I have prayed and ask God to provide me with another Job and followed up by sending countless applications.I feel I need to have a regular Job were I can come home to my wife at the end of each day.Our marriage need this and my wife deserve this.So far I have no luck with a knew job and everything up to this point is sending me back to my old job.I am at a loss because I am not sure if God is sending me back for a specific purpose.
    What I know is I will not be at peace until I change jobs and our marriage will not be a happy one until this happen.
    My wife have been extremely strong and patient so far.Please pray for us

    1. LR, you and your wife are in my prayers. I've been thinking lately a lot about why we go through the struggles. I read something really encouraging yesterday. It is so that we can appreciate the times when we aren't struggling. For example, my wife and I struggled for years to have children, it was an extremely difficult time. We lost a child. But now we have two wonderful adopted boys. We love them both and I'm not sure I would have loved them the same without the struggle. It's difficult to rejoice in the struggles but rejoice knowing that there will be better times. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Really nice analogie Peter. I really like the fact that you remind us that God wants to move in us not just inwardly, but outwardly - keep his spirit flowing. But, man do we love to build dams!
