February 19, 2013

A Question of Control

I am sitting with Robb in a cramped and busy coffee shop as far away as possible from everyone for the difficult conversation we are about to have. He asks me the questions I am expecting to hear.

"Have I done anything to offend you? Are you avoiding me?"

My response. "You've done nothing wrong. The reason we aren't talking is because there is nothing ever wrong with you."

Yep, that was it. Robb is one of those guys that never seems bothered. Things could be going drastically wrong all around him and you would never know it when you talk to him.  Do you have any friends like that? Really annoying!  

I was the complete opposite. I've been sharing my struggles with him for years and the previous 18 months had been especially bad. It was to the point that I didn't want to talk to people who had nothing wrong in their lives. I wanted to be talking to people who could relate to my struggles and who were sharing their own struggles with me.

Being with someone who didn't struggle made me feel inferior.

He sat there and thought about what I said for quite some time. Finally he said, "I guess it is because I don't worry about things I can't control. I do what I can with what I can control but once it is out of my hands, I let it go."

That talk has taken close to nine months to fully sink in.

While we were having that talk, I was dealing with anger. Most of my friends and co-workers wouldn't have realized how angry I was but my family and close friends knew it. Unfortunately, my anger would surface at home in any disagreement or disappointment causing me to raise my voice and say unpleasant things.

I was trying to pretend I didn't have a problem, but deep down I knew it was bad and getting worse.

The anger was the result of things happening in my life that were out of my control.  Things I thought I should be able to control but could not.

Sitting here nine months later, I don't have any of those same feelings.  I don't think my circumstances have changed drastically in the past year but my view on life has.  In fact, I am becoming one of those annoying people!

The realization of this reminded me of the conversation with Robb and his ability to release control. To allow God to take the rightful role of problem solver in my life and to release all my worries over to Him. It doesn't mean I'm perfect yet (or ever will be) but I work on things I can control and focus my energies there.

This past week our family had dinner with Robb's family. I had just helped him empty the contents of one of his stores into the warehouse. After running a retail clothing chain successfully for many years and struggling for the past 2 years to make a profit, his three stores were closing their doors due to changes in the purchase patterns of his clients.  Things out of his control.

Most people I know would have been in mourning and worrying about their future.  Perhaps getting upset at the lack of control that they had regarding the situation.

Not his family.

They were celebrating everything God had provided. A family business that had been run by multiple generations for 75 years opening many opportunities for them. The relationships with current and former employees who continually tell them how much working for their company has blessed them. For all the financial blessings that came with owning their business and the freedom it gave them to spend extra time with their children.

The dinner was a happy family meal looking forward to what God had in store for them next.

And trusting God to control the things they can't.

Are you trying to control something that you can't?


Thank you for taking the time to read one of the many Wandering Thoughts that God has been putting on my heart. If this has touched you in anyway, I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below and share your own personal revelations; or send me a personal message on Google+ or Facebook.

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Have a wonderful day.


  1. I am often times this way with my oldest son. And it is hard not to be. I am very good at being that annoying person at other aspects in my life. Just not with him. I don't know why. I pray about it constantly and I have tried hard to lay it before the Lord, but something is just different about that particular situation. I guess what I am trying to say is... your prayers would be much appreciated. Thanks for the convicting post...they are my favorites.

    1. Thanks Ryan. It is so difficult at times to be honest with our short-comings. And I feel your pain. You know the struggle I have with our oldest and I always need to remind myself of who ultimately is in control. You are definitely in my prayers.

  2. I've been learning this for the past 4 years & though I've heard the old saying time & again, "Let Go, Let God" it's really something I'm learning to truly embrace & now I find myself there, simply letting go of things, situations & people I have no control over...

    1. I love the 'Let Go, Let God'. Never heard this one before but it will be used frequently in the future! Thanks for comment Philip.

  3. Awesome post, Pete. When I allow God to deliver me of fear, the desires to "control" fall away. He's been pretty busy with me over the years, but I'm learning to turn my back on fear regularly and let Holy Spirit medicate me with perfect love and faith. Wow... what would we do without Jesus...?

    1. "medicate me with perfect love and faith" - wow! Great words Sharon. Thanks!

  4. What a great realization! Though I am still learning this, I began to learn this right after getting married. I can love my family and try to guide them and even correct them. But I can't control them.

    The only thing we are called to control is ourselves, and that is a fruit of the Spirit: self-control.

    1. Self-control of control. That is the real challenge isn't it Gordon?! Thanks for reading.

  5. Another great post Peter - thanks.
    Very timely ;^)

    Like Gordon reminds us, we are called to only control ourselves.

    1. I only write what I'm told Glen! :) Glad that the timing of this was what you needed. You and Tanya are on our minds a lot. Praying for God to direct you where you need to be next.

  6. What a great post. Many of us struggle with an addiction to control. Sometimes it is a reaction to a situation(s) that pops up, but for some it goes deeper and is an absolute coping mechanism developed for survival.

    While giving God permission to be in charge and us leaving the issues in His hands is always the answer, often it takes Christian counseling to relearn new coping strategies & deal with the situations that caused us to develop the bad strategy.

    Keep preaching through your parables, brother. :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Carrie Ann. Always great to get encouraging words from a wonderful blogger. Thanks for reading! :)
